Still Brightening The City Wall by Wall And Board By Board

DSCF0722 StitchIzal, king of his own Castle!  DSCF0712Eug – Neatness aint my weakness, but f**k me it gets boring! First world problems 😉 DSCF0705 StitchNo idea who did this but it’s really rather good. DSCF0675 StitchaMarcus Method x STOG wall for Fifty Shades of Spray, probably looked better without the varnish or whatever it is thown on it, but the quality shines through. DSCF0514 StitchaDmak x CynikDSCF0465 Stitch Trik x STOG x Hyro x Kisk x Marcus Method, glorious! DSCF0460Dyson, he’s a Full Metal Brother. DSCF0443Rocket01, brilliant part of a wall that will be amazing when it’s all finished. DSCF0442Tofu, probably DSCF0380New banging piece from Form.DSCF0373Skam, new to me, much like 🙂  DSCF0331 StitchBob x Skint x Suek, painting them awkward to photograph places, again!DSCF0315Beautiful Peacock by Moenipulation, part of what is going to be, hopefully, a massive art project in the Sheffield Antiques Quarter. DSCF0274 StitchGrips, this is just awesome!DSCF0267Fishy Gums..DSCF0247?DSCF0767 StitchStunner from Mars and Kode.DSCF0745aDeap x Dese x Ensa x Narke loving the colours!

Visited a few places I haven’t been in a while recently, some had changed more than others,but all change is good(hopefully), noticing a few new spots appearing too, fingers crossed they keep appearing as fast as the old ones are being demolished!

April Splashes!

DSCF9026Mila K, seems to be keeping busy this year, long may it continue.DSCF9019D7606, Hangin’ on the Telephone with Debbie Harry.DSCF9015Face The Strange x Pop Art Is Dead collaboration,funky.DSCF9007 StitchOgosh x Alas, loving these guys work at the moment.DSCF0021Jahoer, not a name I’m familiar with, like the style though.DSCF0099Phlegm, the arty shot. 😉DSCF0105Rate x Monkey See, nice combination of styles.DSCF0128Mars, going large, for a change 😉DSCF0153Corpse doodlings on the back of one of his pasteups that was starting to remove itself from the wall. DSCF0156Bob, I do like Bob.DSCF0164Pawski, fantastic as always but this one is something really special.DSCF0215Dala, pretty flowers, patterns and decorated ladies are starting to appear quite regularly around the city.DSCF0218Zone,really happy to see this master back on it. DSCF0223 StitchXhastexo x Bine, has been altered since this photo was taken, due to some childish shenanigans, but this is the original in in all its glory.DSCF0234Alex Ekins, peddler Raven, sleeping on the job. DSCF0241 StitchaRackone x Kode’ banging wall, took me ages to get a decent shot because of cars parked in front of it!DSCF0282 StitchEarth x ?, popping up more regularly these days, which can only be a good thing. DSCF0321Dems x Osim(?), spongey floors are not a favourite of mine, but worth the trauma for this..DSCF0352 Stitch (15000x2795)Alan x Teml x Dyson x ? x Riseone x ?, great wall, 6 artists, I bet it was quite a party. DSCF0367Cheeky pair in a nice little spot!          DSCF0369Sheep, having a spliff… DSCF0814It’s been two years since we lost Clem Alice and the pain is still very raw for his friends and family, tributes have appeared marking the anniversary of his death, although the artists that were closest to him, commemorate him on every piece they do.DSCF3634This Clem Alice piece is, I think, where ‘Long Live The Explorer’ first appeared. Sleep well George. x

Spring Is On It’s Way!

DSCF8901 Stitch (20000x2675)A BOK production, featuring Kisk, Trik, apologies for the piece I chopped off, it just didn’t work with the joiner, my fault, bloody useless with a camera.DSCF8901This is the one I couldn’t fit on.DSCF8891Big BobDSCF8828 StitchCoLor, Eug X Espre, with a little D7606 too.DSCF8804Coloquix , got his ladies playing a dangerous game.DSCF8796Little Bob and a big Gums, really like these, is he local?DSCF8794  Kid Acne playing the lyric round again, I’d never have got this one in a million years.DSCF8786Xhastexo, good to see the monsters still get out every now and then 🙂DSCF8784Dyson. one for his boys.DSCF8753CoLor and Tekonta Secta, not new, but I’d not got up close before and it probably won’t be there much longer.DSCF8724Very fond of this little chap, no idea who made him.DSCF8712 StitchTaken me years to get to this place, it’s old and well battered, but I though it was ace. Riseone and Wolf can be seen amongst others.DSCF8703 StitchOlds, samurai master?DSCF8699Skint, pastel foxyness or foxy pastelness. DSCF8677Mila K, From My Cold Dead  Paws Pt2,at the end of the rainbow, literally.DSCF8588Brayk with a very dark character.DSCF8892Kaze, not seen this fellow in a while,glad to see he’s still on it!

Looking forward to  bit of decent weather, it’s always better for painting!

Happy New Year!

I had thought I’d be out and about over the christmas period, but due to the seaonal weather and over indulgence I haven’t got very far at all, bring on the spring, or at least some dry weather!DSCF6648 StitchI do have a strange fondness for this place, it was one of my very first explores, it had more walls and roofs and even windows then! But I do think it’s on borrowed time now as it is slowly but surely falling down, I’ll be surprised if it lasts another year.DSCF6575 StitchSurge and Britney, did it again, reclaiming a favourite spot.DSCF6651Simple but effective, and slightly disturbing.DSCF6616Mr Hastes’ monkey seems to have escaped 🙂DSCF6591Corpse, surely one of the most photographed pieces in Sheffield over the last few days, love it!DSCF6584Stickers! Featuring C3, D7606, Greenz, SSSOVA, VoxRomana and others.DSCF6522Mila K,Acid Junkies, took this after it had snowed and the sun was shining, it was literally blinding.DSCF6493 StitchNot sure who did the piece on the left, but Dyson in the middle and Teml(?)DSCF6469I like this, a commissioned piece #colourbritain sponsored by Dulux.DSCF6463Coloquix has an exhibition on at the Forum, go see it if you can. I went to the opening night, cue another hangover! 😉DSCF6668 StitchThe skatepark is going through a popular phase at the moment, practically changing every week.DSCF6485 Riseone and Rast, I may have seen Riseone painting this, but it probably wasn’t him… DSCF6673This is an art space, a space for art, the shutter apparently however, is not….

Sheffields Answer To Felm

DSCF5793Got to practice my mountaineering skills to view this wonderful creation by Foundry.DSCF5787Found this little lady by Coloquix hiding out in pigeon land too.DSCF5766And this death defying, but only just, piece by Brisk was near the summit.DSCF5753Reverse graffiti at it’s very best, I do love it when a cover up only reinforces what it’s meant to cover up!DSCF5752YMYD, very busy body at the moment, still not sure whether it’s Gun House or Bun House… but I’d choose death by bun any day 🙂DSCF5747 Rise One quality.DSCF5735Dyson, feeling the rainbow, well most of it.DSCF5703 StitchThe Funky Mind Benders, in your face! 🙂DSCF5860JD  really love this style.DSCF5697‘Your brain is a terrible thing to waste’ – Cantastic Art.DSCF5686Lollipops, interesting collab between C3 and D7606.DSCF5656Haven’t seen this little fellow about for a while, Xhastexo.DSCF5617Peachzz and Teddy BN7, cracking piece in a great location.DSCF5605Tulip by Dala, sometimes something so simple can look so effective.DSCF5826Kent has been the target of a dogging campaign recently, at least this one is untouched.DSCF5823Not a new one I think, but only just spotted this little Eug.DSCF5820Spotted this too, don’t know who it’s by though.DSCF5673As some of you will know, work has begun on the former Gatecrasher site, hopefully we won’t lose the boards just yet.

Well my internet’s still buggered, should be back to normal soon. Good job the weather’s been so lousy I haven’t been out much.

Oh and just in case you were wondering, I have it on good authority that Felm is the correct pronunciation of Phlegm… so now you know!  😉



City Report

DSCF3016 StitchKosh, Skint and Sico, going large.DSCF3005Saul, a visitor from Leeds I think.DSCF3073Have a break, have a quick cat,glad I’m a dog person myself, Mr Eug.DSCF3068Mila K, outstanding as always.DSCF3061Who says clowns are scary, he’s a regular bundle of joy, by Kent.DSCF3054Like this, can’t read it mind.DSCF3051Space travel is in Dysons blood.DSCF3042Rambo,a vision in black and chrome.DSCF3030CoLor, I’m sure there’s a witty title for this but I’m blowed if I can think of it.DSCF3262Mars, loving these letters pieces.DSCF3223 StitchBern x Kode x Zero, I do wish they got out more 😉DSCF3184Brayk wants his mummy.DSCF3125Suek a master of his craft.DSCF3173Sour in a purple patch.DSCF3246Miso maybe?DSCF3243Monkeys, because we all love monkeys 🙂


G’day! (Well 2 of them actually)

DSCF0275It’s always great to meet people as passionate about my hobby/ obsession as I am, so imagine how happy I was that one like-minded individual, was not only making the trip over from Australia to the UK (and Europe), but made it as far as Sheffield too! And it was my privilege to show her the sights over the two days she was here. Lady P as some of you may know is a graffaholic and I think it’s fair to say we have a lot in common. We tried to fit in as much as we could, but didn’t make it to all the spots I’d hoped. It was strange to realise how much I no longer notice, just because it’s there. It was good to see each place through another persons’ eyes.

Despite having never been finished the Phlegm piece above is still amazing.

DSCF0298 StitchThis Mega Production by Kode, Lone, Gzos and Mars was one I’d not seen up close, looks pretty special.DSCF0352Bumped into some of the new crop of artists in the city,was good to put names to pieces, the one above is by Desmond.DSCF0361Lady P caught in action photographing Peachz at work.DSCF0376The latest piece of loveliness from Eugene Booms.DSCF0444Lady P was able to see CoLor Art and Narke creating this fabulous piece, I think she took a few snaps too.DSCF0423I don’t know anything about Anubis, but I really like what he does, this is my favourite so far.DSCF0291Spied a beautiful Coloquix lady.DSCF0461Lady P was quite taken with this wall by H2i.DSCF0466Solo, I hope I got it right this time! Really like it anyway.DSCF0496I’ve not heard of Purpz before, not sure whether he’s local or not, cool piece though.DSCF0499Sico, seems to be all over the place at the moment. 🙂 DSCF0517Rather fond of these little critters by ABC.DSCF0523A horned lady by Casino, love the style of these.DSCF0526Really like this combination of paste up and paint by Dala.DSCF0540Making use of the architectural features, Meth.DSCF0543 Another making use of the architecture, can somebody tell me who it is please? I now know it’s Brisk 🙂DSCF0559Robo x Brisk, enjoying watching their styles and skills develop.DSCF0582Dyson consistently good.DSCF0572Paid a visit to the studio where Foundry works with his brother,and found this sexy lady on the wall.DSCF0570Lady P was keen to see as much as she could in her time with us, this piece by Rocket was the next to the last she saw on her trip.

It says a lot for Sheffield that someone like Lady P from so faraway, would be aware of what is going on here and want to come and see it for herself. I think we gave her a pretty grand tour, giving her a proper Yorkshire welcome and introducing her to a traditional English chippy and the questionable delights of dandelion and burdock!

It was a real pleasure to have her here I do hope she enjoyed it as much as I did…….Oh and by the way, she never said g’day once!

Dayrider, £4 Citywide Tour

DSCF8973On my travels found this beauty by C3, looks like she’s becoming a regular visitor to Sheffield, all good  🙂DSCF8902Something fishy about this Coloquix piece, not a cat in sight.DSCF8894Funny what you can find when you fall through a doorway, not sure how old this Sour x Narke collab is, but I wouldn’t have found it otherwise!DSCF8890I do like these cheeky chimps by Xhastexo, he’s got quite a collection I think.DSCF8882Sico trying something a little different, I’m a fan!DSCF8868I’m really loving these new characters from Eug, can’t believe some numpty dogged it within a week…DSCF8919Big Mouth by Rateone, I’ve seen a photo of a piece he did out of Sheffield where he made use of a doorway in a similar fashion, so glad he’s done one here.DSCF8933Greenz and Brisk, gloriously green!DSCF8947 StitchNOFX x Dyson, The Deadly Type, quality. DSCF8964After a short sabbatical, Gzos has risen again. Praise be!DSCF8970Recreating one of the prints from his recent exhibition, Kid Acnes’ Ping Pong Girls.

Mustn’t grumble about a day out for £4, always lots to see, but it would be nice if they had toilets and perhaps a mini bar on the tram…

City Boredom Breaker

DSCF8359Due to the abjectly miserable weather didn’t venture far on my last wander, still, there’s plenty to see in the centre of town. Seeing this name appearing more and more around the city, Rime.DSCF8457Not sure if this was a deliberate collaboration or an accidental coming together of EMA, Kid Acne and Kent, like it though.DSCF8450My second near death experience of the year,or at least it would have been if I’d been daft enough to get off the makeshift ladder onto the rotten floor. Love this Zinc piece.DSCF8440Wish I knew who this was by, but I don’t. Thanks 😀 I now know it’s Sico.DSCF8428Rayna, a little different from his usual letters.DSCF8424Brisk,another writer becoming more visible in town. Variety is the spice of life and all that, good to have some fresh talent.DSCF8420Ogosh, as in ogosh that’s rather good! DSCF8406Narke, 4 tin burn, wicked colour scheme.DSCF8405A marvellous piece from Dyson, a master of his craft.DSCF8465 StitchPopped in to Kid Acnes exhibition, met the man himself, definitely worth a visit.DSCF8515Avoided near death experiences 3 and 4 by keeping my feet firmly on the ground to catch these Eug pieces, I’ll leave the climbing to those younger and fitter than me.DSCF8497DSCF8528Lastly on my little wander I revisited a Phlegm piece that has been ravaged by nature to fantastic effect. I was still pulling thorns out of my legs when I went to bed, but I figured it was worth it 🙂

It’s All Going on!

DSCF5120Mars has been revisiting his childhood again, Orville, he’s his very best friend!  😉

DSCF5118 Time? I’m really bad at reading letter pieces, but I do like it.DSCF5113This is something different, I’m guessing not anyone local, love the style.

DSCF5106I worry when Booms goes quiet, but when he then reappears with an epic masterpiece like this, I’m reassured that balance is restored.

DSCF5092How many hamsters can you fit in a phone box, answers on a postcard please to D7606.

DSCF5091Had to revisit this place because my first shots of this awesome Rateone piece were rubbish, think I’ve done it justice now.

DSCF5086Sour, making good use of any space.DSCF5083Tekonta Secta and CoLor, just wonderful.DSCF5072C3 x D7606, becoming regular visitors lately, the more the merrier!DSCF5075Mr Booms and CoLor, a lesson in painting on stairs and the decay of a dead pigeon.

DSCF5047A Coloquix lady being lusted over by a Rateone monster while a jealous Greenz rabbit looks on furiously, it’s like an episode of Eastenders…DSCF5061Not just a Mars favourite, one of mine too, Pinky and the Brain.DSCF5032Jaer,  love the piece but have to say I don’t know who the little fellow is.

DSCF5039One of Kid Acnes’ stabby women, not sure if it’s been doctored but she looks like she’s holding a vibrator to me, or perhaps she’s a ladyboy?DSCF5042Not sure who did this but I have my suspicions.DSCF5043Bob, he’s a devil!DSCF5046Dyson and Rambo, throw up masters at the moment.

On a bit of a catch up spree at the moment, hopefully will get another post up in the next day or two.