While It’s Raining…

DSCF6632 StitchDusto x Foundry x See, loving this 🙂 DSCF6630TBC 142, they may buff it off but they will return.DSCF6615 StitchTrik9 x Deap, looking good.DSCF6603Spade, visited for Tramlines, left his mark. DSCF6471Bob – The Urine Infections, ’nuff said… DSCF6850Kaze, not seen him about for a while. DSCF6869Sour, not seen him for a while either 😦 DSCF7148 StitchMace x Gzos, staggering collab, brilliant work as always. DSCF5897Rocket01, stepping up a gear at the moment, bring it on!DSCF6464Lovely Gums, not met him but I’ve got a soft spot for his cheeky characters. DSCF6827I dunno….. made me laugh though. DSCF6704Misc…..mmmm…. very similar to…? DSCF6729Eugene Booms, feeling blue, made my day though, somehow managed to not see this on Insta, so was a wonderful surprise! DSCF6734Bine x Haste, the boys are back in town, didn’t think they’d ever left 😉 DSCF6761ABC x Peachzz psycadelic stairs. DSCF6772Wizo, seeing this around more and more. DSCF6848STOG has a clever eye for colour, lush!

Keep thinking there’s not a lot happening on the Sheffield Scene at the moment, but it is, there’s just a little more legwork to catch it all, oh well, I guess I could do with the exercise!

It’s Alive (and Kicking!)

Hopefully I’ll be back up to date with my blog (don’t hold your breath) just had my internet repaired for the third time, so for the moment it’s back to being rubbish as opposed to none existent. This is some of what’s been going on in Sheffield. DSCF3520Well he’s definitely back, Hungry Horace rides again….Hooray!!  DSCF5109Dala pasting pretty ladies everywhere.DSCF5111Yabba Dabba Doo! Love it, can’t read it though…. although I am informed it’s Deap. (thanks to my secret mine of graff information)DSCF5116Touching tribute wall by Byne for his dad. DSCF5119 StitchDealt x Kosy, homage to Viz. Nice to see Kosy in the city again.DSCF5125 StitchOgosh x Alas much like.  DSCF5140Pfog M4 buzzing colourscheme.  DSCF5219Gums, very fond of his cheeky characters. DSCF5237Quite like this, Toefoo.   DSCF5263Little ray of sunshine, seen a few of these now, always make me smile. DSCF5267 StitchSTOG x Meth A Trik9, a rhapsody in blue, fantastic! DSCF5313 StitchaDouble Rocket01, does it get any better than this?  😀  DSCF5343Brayk Graff, kind of cute , kind of creepy, a bit like me 😉DSCF5344Coloquix’s lady is beginning to write…and so is her cat, lovely.DSCF5355Osim x Jonas, a cracking combination, always good to see.DSCF5406 StitchMace, absolute banger! DSCF5424 StitchJDavies (Kame) 4 pieces to melt your mind. DSCF54464eyes, always consistent but seems a bit more active recently. DSCF5474 StitchNo idea, but I like the colours,some one should give me a job as an art critic…….I’d be absolutely useless! Ha! 😀

Summer is Coming!!

DSCF2440Haste, got the bird, think she’s a bit horny! DSCF2444 StitchMace x Surge, Mortal Kombat, Finish Him!! Epic as always.  DSCF2460Jd Arts (Kame), I do love these, brilliant work. DSCF2479Brayk, diverse as always, and quite busy as of late.DSCF2486Dese, been busy at this place, this one’s my favourite though.DSCF2494Rateone, wouldn’t like to spend time in his head!  😉DSCF2605Cres….. This is probably the first time that Cres has featured on this blog , I’m not a great fan of most of his work but this is impressive. What a spot!DSCF2650 StitchOgosh x Alas x Skint x Syke, hopefully not the last collaboration on this wall. DSCF2661Casper maybe?, but particularly liking the BilsDSCF2686Mist1 , old school legend and a bit of a comedian! 🙂DSCF2747 StitchBurn x Kode, brightening car parks in the city, but unfortunately often a pain to photograph because people keep parking cars in front of them…DSCF2761Prone. Saw the man himself in the middle of painting this, he said I’d like it, he was wrong, I think it’s fantastic 😀  DSCF2778Bint and Tekonta Secta walked into a bar……… I’m sure there’s a joke in there somewhere, but anyway, great to see them in one of our more salubrious hostelries.

I’d been thinking things were a bit quiet in Sheffield, but if you have a good look around, it’s as busy as ever, thankfully, don’t want my garden too tidy do I?

Still Going!

Seem to have got myself a little behind of late, I blame my crappy internet, (3.5 hours to upload 60 photos!), my garden, it’s a jungle out there, really it is, and also the fact that so much work is so widely documented that there really doesn’t seem to be any need to rush…. so I won’t. 😉 DSCF0844Suek always nice to see work by this talented guy. DSCF0882Meth, the cheeky leg was covered over quickly, glad I got to see it. DSCF1068Coloquix, lady in the lake, well brook actually, had a longer than expected walk to find her, worth the effort though. DSCF1085Foundry, Caught this handsome chap busy on this beautiful tribute piece for sweet Ruby who was only here for eleven days but her memory will live on with her family always. DSCF2152Took me several attempts to get a shot of this due to cars parked in front of it. The piece was completed shortly before Rubys funeral. DSCF1262 StitchAnother lovely tribute for Ruby by Mace, Surge and Mars. DSCF1278 StitchAero x Dose, they don’t get as much coverage as some artists, but are constantly keeping on it. DSCF1288 StitchI’m guessing not local, but my what a wall!DSCF1310 Stitch? x Ask x Dyel, great set of blokes who don’t get out as often as I’d like 😉 DSCF1321 StitchRiseone x I don’t know, but I really like it. DSCF1375Kisk, another fellow who needs to get out more, although I do know he’s often busy with community projects. DSCF1550Slew x Orin, not seen these guys in Sheffield before, they can normally be found lurking further south.DSCF0906Vintage Teas, goodness knows how old it is!DSCF0930Booms, I like to think this is based on me apart from the tattoos, the bald head and the beard 🙂  DSCF1001 StitchBroker, long time no see, perhaps I’m just going to the wrong places…

Whatever The Weather

DSCF8225Along came a Spider, so happy that Phlegm paid us a visit, love this so much, it was worth the brambles and everything. DSCF7093D7606, ready to use wheatpaste, my favourite shade. DSCF7087C3, these ladies are developing nicely,gorgeous.  DSCF7077Eug, got a strange taste in underwear, like the tattoos though. 🙂  DSCF7068Rialto and Earth, getting busy, which is a good thing I think.DSCF7061Brayk Graff  ‘The coldest flame in Sheffield’, know the feeling.DSCF7007J Davies Arts, eye popping letters.DSCF6948007, old piece ( the writer sadly died in 2000) uncovered by clearance of vegetation on railtracks, very well preserved.DSCF6941Mila K, looking good, as always, fun to find, as always… DSCF6929This Alex Ekins Raven wheatpaste is definitely one of my favourites. DSCF7056 StitchStunning Lord of the Rings themed wall from Mace, Surge, Gzos and Shadyone Amp.DSCF6895 StitchEvo, Pawski and Shoe,very handsome portrait of a fellow in the middle there 😉DSCF6889Coloquix, seeing double and with the reflection almost double double!!DSCF6854 Skint and Sico, way too cool for school. DSCF6825Class of 2015 by CoLor, I’m particularly fond of the little details on this. DSCF6779 Hungry Horace seemed to disappear altogether, but perhaps not,this doesn’t look new but it’s certainly not as old as his other stuff, the plot thickens….

Tis The Season….

Due to crappy internet, Christmas and bad weather, not got around to posting this even though I started it at the beginning of December. Luckily it has been a bit quiet recently so hopefully I won’t have missed too much out.DSCF6012Love this quirky little chap by Mikk Murray. DSCF6005Spotted this local legend putting the finishing touches on this.DSCF6002And Britney did it again. DSCF5999Meth producing lots of wonderful work at the moment. DSCF5997Eyepopping colours from Narke.DSCF5957Rateone, gone fishing 😉

DSCF6083 StitchBine and Haste collab, boys gone large!DSCF6074J Davies, more lovely creations.DSCF6062My favourite of a series of Bubba creations on Ecclesall Road.DSCF6029Corpse, creating an ever expanding array of characters.DSCF6346Shoe and Pawski having a cheeky paint. (Do you see what I did there? 😉 )DSCF6343Coloquix to the left of me, Brayk to the right, here I am.DSCF6328Surge, Mars And Mace, having a Star Wars moment, awesome!DSCF6169No idea who, but really like it. Have since been informed that it is Form and Scar, thanks for the info 🙂DSCF6167Sico, in one of my least favourite spots, great piece though.

Assuming the snow melts before the end of the year I hope to be out and about, still got a few bits to catch up on.

Hope everyone has had a very Merry Christmas, thanks for your support over the past year!

Happy October!

DSCF5031After 2 weekends lurking in Birmingham and a broadband connection that keeps feeling nostalgic and replicating the golden age of dial up internet, I find I’ve got a bit of a backlog. So this is a larger than normal Sheffield post while I try to get back on track.

Stickers,some people hate them, I love them, especially when there’s little collections of them, this set includes D7606, C3, Rubix, Zabou and Greenz.DSCF5025Brayk, a man of many words. DSCF5010 StitchDouble Meth, twice the fun!DSCF5003Byne, been a bit quiet lately, working on a new project perhaps.DSCF5002Like this, don’t know who it is though.DSCF4974Part of the wonderful Rocket01 and Mila K collaboration piece. I adore how Rocket01 portrays these dogs.DSCF4941 StitchKode x Zero awesome as always.DSCF4917Kid Acnes’  ace contribution to the ‘Festival of the Mind’. DSCF4839Mental Mickey by Mars 🙂DSCF4838Pawski and a lady with attitude.DSCF4827Rateone, got a reight gob on ‘im that one! 😉DSCF4820Mace, Mars and Surge gone all skynet on us.DSCF4808Ogosh in glorious monochrome.DSCF479023, in the style of…answers on a postcard please.. DSCF4779Earth,not seen one of these for a long time.DSCF4765CoLor stages a Yorkshire Referendum…the Arhs have it!DSCF4908 StitchSico x Skint, lush in lilac.DSCF4844Mila K on the shutters of Spaceman, gorgeous.DSCF4783Broke and ? Hadn’t been to this place for ages, good to see it’s still being redecorated regularly.

Apologies for the loads I’ve missed, I promise it won’t happen again!

Greetings From Heidelberg

DSCF3187Rainbow Rambo!DSCF3748Sour taking it easy,yes I know it’s an old one,but I don’t get out much. 😉DSCF3642Wonderful piece by Rocket 01 and Faunagraphic, spent ages looking for this, in all the wrong places.DSCF3611I spied a Foundry piece on his all weather wall. DSCF3588 StitchSico, Skint and Suek freedom wall for Fista. DSCF3685Some keeping it colourful.DSCF3579Found a cheeky little Corpse sticker.DSCF3568 StitchSurge, Pawski and Mace beautiful memorial piece.DSCF3556Body Snachaz, Mars alligator. DSCF3733Really like this quirky little fellow.DSCF3737Not a brilliant photo but I didn’t have my tripod, love this piece by CoLor. DSCF3637Handsome chap isn’t he?DSCF3633As if!

Oh and if you were wondering, I recently found a FB page for Street Art Heidelberg that had an H2i production, painted in Sheffield, as it’s banner, I never knew I was in Germany, did you?

Summer Sessions

DSCF2905All this damp weather is good for fungi apparently. DSCF2830Espre, lovely guy who doesn’t paint often enough.DSCF2823 Stitch Meth, Trik9 and Rank in a blue mood.DSCF2815 StitchMars goes big!DSCF2991Your Mum’s Your Dad (don’t ask, I’ve no idea!)getting up!DSCF2885 StitchZero and Kode with an awesome tribute to the sad passing of King Robbo.DSCF2243 StitchSour and friends.DSCF2537Brayk, what can I say…, definitely different, but didn’t last long.DSCF2660Sico, popping up all over the place.DSCF2911Surge, Britney, Pawski, Mr Jones and Mace, A stunning wall celebrating the new Planet of the Apes film. DSCF2989Absolutely love this piece by Rocket01, thought I’d show you a close up.DSCF2979Beautiful bird in the nest by Faunagraphic.

So happy that the local artists are keeping me busy, love my city 🙂

Shapeshifters in Tamworth!

DSCF2498So, that time of year again, me and my little dog boarded a train to Tamworth. Despite the weather the turnout was as always, amazing.

A new name to me Aems, love this character.DSCF2460Local ish artist Time,not seen him in action before.DSCF2491Akse P19, arrived even later than me, instantly recognised the emerging face of Tom Neville from Revolution.DSCF2420Cracking piece from Ziner.DSCF2421Rascal, one of the few pieces I’ve got finished shots of.DSCF2426Catch22, it was fascinating watching this guy work.DSCF2346I don’t know the artist, but I really like this. Since been told his name is Ments.DSCF2416Gnasher, forgot his earplugs and fell out with this character, great to see him and Mystique though.DSCF2478 StitchParlee and Demane, was great to meet these guys,this was probably my favourite production. We had a fascinating chat about the early days of the Specials too! DSCF2453Kem, looking a little lonely as Mef was on holiday and Wingy working on a brilliant Rorschach piece.DSCF2320Skema, half the man he was last year ( 😉 ) but still putting up fab pieces and he managed to stick with one this year, unlike the three he did last year!.DSCF2395Zook, another brummie I think, liking his style. DSCF2394The master Title, stunning work as ever.DSCF2459Glimmertwin, just love it.DSCF2473Shab, lovely to see the man himself, I don’t think he’ll forget my little dog in a hurry! I’m very fond of the raven.DSCF2432Love this too.DSCF2433Very nice to see Mr. Steve Edwards, just keeps getting better.DSCF2418Don’t know the artist but I’ve been told his name is Toile.DSCF2345Mono, love this guy, that is all.DSCF2412Fidget, I think.DSCF2411Mig29, I hope, this wall was looking out of this world, gutted I didn’t get to see it finished.DSCF2392Leigh Irvine (Raze), the first or one of the first big jams he’s been to, can’t go wrong with the Mask..DSCF2356CoLor and Corpse worked together on this brain melting piece.DSCF2382Vomit, this just jumps off the wall, brilliant.DSCF2362There was dancing, and loud music, my little dog did not appreciate the music…or skateboards.DSCF2427Polar, not sure where he’s from, but was good to meet him.DSCF2330Freebee2, wonderfully bonkers 🙂DSCF2267The Rusty Alexander, most of the work covering this mobile gallery is by My Dog Sighs, simply stunning.DSCF2307 StitchH2i crew and Surge and friends, made a weekend of it, their blockbuster wall wasn’t completed until the next day.

A fantastic day once again which even the weather couldn’t spoil, although it had a good go. I managed to not get wet, although my feet did look like they had been to Glastonbury. It was good to see so many people I knew and meet many more, I think my little dog helped a little bit. Well done to Vic and New Urban Era for pulling it off again, I’m sure it’s worth all the stress!

My only disappointment with the day was that I had to leave before so much was finished, me and my little dog had to run to the train station, yes run, leg it up 3 flights of stairs to the platform, leaving us both in need of oxygen, to find that our train was delayed. It turned out that the lively weather had blown up a signal box in Derby and created absolute chaos. The delay turned out to be over an hour, I wonder how many of the walls had been finished by then…… On the plus side my little dog was no trouble on the train…20140719_201234